While intersectionality enriches understanding, advocacy for animal rights may become diluted!

While intersectionality enriches understanding, advocacy for animal rights may become diluted!

Intersectionality, with its recognition of overlapping oppressions, has enriched our understanding of social justice movements. Yet, incorporating animal rights into this framework presents unique challenges. Let’s explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of intersectional advocacy for animal rights, navigating the tension between enriching the perspective and diluting the focus. While intersectionality broadens our perspective, it…

Here’s Why Killing Animals Is Violent And Unjust, No Matter How It Is Done


Killing Animals, no matter how it is done, is Violent And Unjust, here’s why. Our society indoctrinates us from the time we are born into the paradigm of using animals as resources and commodities. Our society and our institutions consistently and persistently reinforce the idea of human supremacy; We are taught that exploiting and killing…