من تضحية التقاليد إلى رحمة الحاضر: بناء مستقبل أفضل لعيد الأضحى

من تضحية التقاليد إلى رحمة الحاضر: بناء مستقبل أفضل لعيد الأضحى

عندما نتحدث عن عيد الأضحى، يتبادر إلى أذهاننا تقاليد قديمة تتعلق بذبح الحيوانات وتوزيعها على الفقراء. ولكن في عصرنا الحالي، يشكل ذبح الحيوانات تحديًا أخلاقيًا ومعضلة تتعلق بمعاناة الحيوانات والاستفادة منها معاناة الحيوانات في سياق التضحية ليست مجرد قضية عابرة، بل هي مسألة تحتاج إلى اهتمام وتفكير جاد. فالحيوانات تعاني من ظروف قاسية ومعاناة لا…

Lebanon participated in the annual commemoration and celebration of the National Animal Rights Day – NARD 2023

National Animal Rights Day Lebanon

Lebanon is one of the countries that joined the global movement of the National Animal Rights Day (NARD) on June 4th, 2023. This day is dedicated to honoring the lives of the billions of animals who are exploited and killed by humans every year, and to celebrating the progress that is being made towards ending…

What’s Stopping You From Going Vegan? Overcoming Common Barriers

What’s Stopping You From Going Vegan Overcoming Common Barriers

While many people choose to go vegan to take a stance against animal exploitation and cruelty, for some, adopting a vegan lifestyle or diet for ethical, environmental, and health reasons can be challenging due to various factors. In this blog post, we will delve into some of the common negative qualities or obstacles that may…

Where you stand on animal rights reflects where you would have stood on slavery

Where we stand on animal rights reflects where we would have stood on slavery

Animal exploitation, like how the slave system operated, is one of the drivers of economies worldwide today. Where you stand on animal rights today reflects where you would have stood on slavery. Here’s how. Slavery was a brutal and inhumane system that exploited millions of people for economic gain. Slavery was not only a violation…