The Dilemma of Political Boycotts in the Vegan Movement and Their Impact on Animal Rights

The Dilemma of Political Boycotts in the Vegan Movement and Their Impact on Animal Rights

The vegan movement is fundamentally driven by the desire to reduce animal suffering, end animal exploitation, and promote ethical consumption. However, a growing trend among some vegans is to boycott certain vegan products and initiatives for political reasons, such as the parent company’s involvement in unethical practices, including supporting war and genocide. While this form…

الإرهاب المجتمعي: رد الفعل العدواني تجاه الأفكار الجديدة

الإرهاب المجتمعي- رد الفعل العدواني تجاه الأفكار الجديدة

في عالمنا الديناميكي اليوم، غالبًا ما يواجه ظهور الأفكار الجديدة مقاومة شديدة. يمكن أن تأخذ هذه المقاومة شكل ما يمكن وصفه بـ “الإرهاب المجتمعي”، حيث يتفاعل الأفراد ضيقو الأفق وأصحاب الوعي المنخفض بشكل عدواني مع المفاهيم التي تتحدى معتقداتهم التقليدية. تنبع هذه الدفاعات اللاعقلانية من خوف عميق من فقدان السلطة والامتيازات، بما في ذلك السلطة…

The Crusade of Animal Rights Activists: Blessings to Those Who Call Evil Good and Good Evil

The Crusade of Animal Rights Activists- Blessings to Those Who Call Evil Good and Good Evil

In a world where darkness is often mistaken for light, it’s crucial to reflect on the true nature of our actions. We live in a dark era, plagued by social malaise, fanaticism, and misguided humanity. Humans impose their beliefs—often illusions with no basis in reality—onto non-human animals. This results in the enslavement, exploitation, and murder…

Celebrating Compassion: Lebanese Vegans and Middle East Vegan Society’s Vegan Christmas Market with Free Vegan Delights

Lebanese Vegans and Middle East Vegan Society’s Vegan Christmas Market with Free Vegan Delights

The festive season got a twist of compassion for animals, the environment, and humanity this year as the Lebanese Vegans NGO, in collaboration with the Middle East Vegan Society, hosted the highly anticipated annual Vegan Christmas Market. Held on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, on the terrace of the Lebanese Vegans Social Hub in Sin el…

Goodwill for Man and Cruelty to Animals: A Not-So-Merry Christmas

Goodwill for Man and Cruelty to Animals, A Not-So-Merry Christmas

Words like “peace” and “joy” trip so easily from our lips at this time of year. Yet, while we bask in the rosy fantasy of our celebrations, there are others who are paying the price for it in blood and despair. Behind the twinkling lights and hype, there are others for whom there is no…

The Illusion of Natural Behavior: Unveiling the Truth About Eating Animals

The illusion of natural behavior_

Eating animals and their derivatives is often mistaken for a natural behavior, but in reality, it is a forced compliance behavior, not an inherent part of our nature. In a society where eating animal flesh and their derivatives (milk, eggs, honey, etc.) is normalized and encouraged daily, it is often not until we grow older…

The Connection Between Higher States of Consciousness and Veganism

The Connection Between Higher States of Consciousness and Veganism

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the concept of higher states of consciousness and their profound impact on our lives. This elevated state of awareness is often associated with respect, feelings of love, compassion, and a sense of oneness with all living beings. These qualities are also at the heart of…

The Role of Cultural Differences in Fueling Wars and Conflicts

Cultural Differences Wars and Conflicts

We live in a world where societies are blind to their own moral deterioration, which shows up in their social sadism. This moral decay manifests in the way we treat each other, leading to conflicts that could otherwise be avoided. Cultural differences and beliefs often play a significant role in wars and conflicts. Cultural differences…

Humans Are One: The Futility of Fighting Over Land

Humans Are One - The Futility of Fighting Over Land

In a world where borders and territories often define our identities, it’s easy to forget a fundamental truth: humans are one. The divisions we create, whether through lines on a map or cultural differences, are artificial constructs that pale in comparison to our shared humanity. Fighting over land, resources, or power is not only foolish…

Why Vegan Conference 2024: An Evening of Learning, Motivation, and Tasty Plant-Based Food at Hayek Hospital, Lebanon

On June 4th, 2024, Hayek Hospital in Sin El Fil, Lebanon, hosted the “Why Vegan Conference – 2024 Edition,” organized by the Lebanese Vegans NGO. The event attracted over 400 participants eager to explore the vegan lifestyle and its effects on health, the environment, and animal welfare. Let’s delve into the key moments of this…