منتجات الألبان عديمة القلب: قصص الحب المحطمة في الصناعة

منتجات الألبان عديمة القلب: قصص الحب المحطمة في الصناعة

في عالم غالبًا ما تطغى فيه الراحة على التعاطف، تبرز صناعة الألبان كتذكير صارخ بقسوة الخيارات اليومية التي قد تنبع من الرغبات والشهوة الأنانية والمصالح الشخصية. في قلب هذه القسوة توجد قصص حب محطمة لا تعد ولا تحصى هناك أمور قليلة في الحياة أكثر قوة من لحظات الحب بين الأم وطفلها. في مملكة الحيوانات، مثل…

Happy Are the Oppressors: The Facade of “Happiness” Facilitating Exploitation in the Food Industry

Happy Are the Oppressors - The Facade of Happiness Facilitating Exploitation in the Food Industry

Happy are the oppressors to facilitate exploitation and cruelty by appeasing your conscience. The mere cultural visibility of the ‘Happy Animals, Happy Families, and Happy Meals’ discourse is intended to appease the consciences of consumers by presenting an illusion that things are moving in the right direction. Society is led to believe that it is…

The Dilemma of Political Boycotts in the Vegan Movement and Their Impact on Animal Rights

The Dilemma of Political Boycotts in the Vegan Movement and Their Impact on Animal Rights

The vegan movement is fundamentally driven by the desire to reduce animal suffering, end animal exploitation, and promote ethical consumption. However, a growing trend among some vegans is to boycott certain vegan products and initiatives for political reasons, such as the parent company’s involvement in unethical practices, including supporting war and genocide. While this form…

الإرهاب المجتمعي: رد الفعل العدواني تجاه الأفكار الجديدة

الإرهاب المجتمعي- رد الفعل العدواني تجاه الأفكار الجديدة

في عالمنا الديناميكي اليوم، غالبًا ما يواجه ظهور الأفكار الجديدة مقاومة شديدة. يمكن أن تأخذ هذه المقاومة شكل ما يمكن وصفه بـ “الإرهاب المجتمعي”، حيث يتفاعل الأفراد ضيقو الأفق وأصحاب الوعي المنخفض بشكل عدواني مع المفاهيم التي تتحدى معتقداتهم التقليدية. تنبع هذه الدفاعات اللاعقلانية من خوف عميق من فقدان السلطة والامتيازات، بما في ذلك السلطة…

The Crusade of Animal Rights Activists: Blessings to Those Who Call Evil Good and Good Evil

The Crusade of Animal Rights Activists- Blessings to Those Who Call Evil Good and Good Evil

In a world where darkness is often mistaken for light, it’s crucial to reflect on the true nature of our actions. We live in a dark era, plagued by social malaise, fanaticism, and misguided humanity. Humans impose their beliefs—often illusions with no basis in reality—onto non-human animals. This results in the enslavement, exploitation, and murder…

Navigating Intersectionality: Potential Critiques and Human-Centeredness Concerns in the Intersectional Animal Rights Movement


The intersectional approach within the animal rights movement seeks to address a broad spectrum of interconnected oppressions, including speciesism, racism, sexism, and more. By highlighting the links between various social justice issues, this strategy has garnered significant support. However, it is not without its challenges and critiques. Concerns have emerged regarding the potential shift in…

The Myth of “Well-Treated Animals”: Unveiling Selfish Love in Animal Farming

The Myth of “Well-Treated Animals” Unveiling Selfish Love in Animal Farming

In an age where consumer consciousness is growing, it’s crucial to examine the narratives often presented to us. One such narrative is the notion that farmers love their animals by treating them “well.” However, this perspective is fundamentally flawed. The cultural visibility of the “well-treated animals” discourse is intended to appease the consciences of consumers,…

Celebrating Compassion: Lebanese Vegans and Middle East Vegan Society’s Vegan Christmas Market with Free Vegan Delights

Lebanese Vegans and Middle East Vegan Society’s Vegan Christmas Market with Free Vegan Delights

The festive season got a twist of compassion for animals, the environment, and humanity this year as the Lebanese Vegans NGO, in collaboration with the Middle East Vegan Society, hosted the highly anticipated annual Vegan Christmas Market. Held on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, on the terrace of the Lebanese Vegans Social Hub in Sin el…

Goodwill for Man and Cruelty to Animals: A Not-So-Merry Christmas

Goodwill for Man and Cruelty to Animals, A Not-So-Merry Christmas

Words like “peace” and “joy” trip so easily from our lips at this time of year. Yet, while we bask in the rosy fantasy of our celebrations, there are others who are paying the price for it in blood and despair. Behind the twinkling lights and hype, there are others for whom there is no…

Shifting Focus: From Ethical Treatment to True Animal Rights

From Ethical Treatment to True Animal Rights

Veterinary care for farmed animals is undeniably crucial for their well-being. However, it is important to recognize that the primary motivation behind such care often stems from economic considerations rather than purely selfless reasons. Consequently, farmers invest in veterinary care and often try to convince the consumers that animals are well treated by showcasing their…