While intersectionality enriches understanding, advocacy for animal rights may become diluted!

While intersectionality enriches understanding, advocacy for animal rights may become diluted!

Intersectionality, with its recognition of overlapping oppressions, has enriched our understanding of social justice movements. Yet, incorporating animal rights into this framework presents unique challenges. Let’s explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of intersectional advocacy for animal rights, navigating the tension between enriching the perspective and diluting the focus. While intersectionality broadens our perspective, it…

Where you stand on animal rights reflects where you would have stood on slavery

Where we stand on animal rights reflects where we would have stood on slavery

Animal exploitation, like how the slave system operated, is one of the drivers of economies worldwide today. Where you stand on animal rights today reflects where you would have stood on slavery. Here’s how. Slavery was a brutal and inhumane system that exploited millions of people for economic gain. Slavery was not only a violation…

Human Supremacy Over Animals: A Dangerous Ideology

Human Supremacy animal rights veganism animal liberation

Human supremacy leads to moral exclusion of animals. One of the main problems with human supremacy is that it leads to moral exclusion of animals. Moral exclusion is the process of denying moral consideration and protection to certain groups or individuals based on arbitrary criteria, such as species membership. Moral exclusion allows people to ignore…