Mass-shooting of protected Nightjars by ‘proud’ Lebanese poachers


Mass-shooting of protected Nightjars (Caprimulgus europaeus). Lebanese poachers have developed an insidious method to kill masses of night-migrating birds. Electronic bird callers and powerful spotlights are used to lure whole flocks down onto bare [fake] illuminated trees where they are subsequently annilihated. Despite the new hunting law being implemented since 15 September 2017, many poachers…

LBCC: Individuals that commit birds mass slaughter are not real hunters.

The individuals that commit these mass slaughter are not real hunters.

The 15th of September marks the official opening of the hunting season. The Lebanese Bird Conservation Coalition (LBCC) fear that the mass slaughter of many bird species, will continue as in past years. The individuals that commit mass slaughters against species of wild birds, many of which are globally at risk from extinction are not real…

New Video: Mass killing of birds of prey in the Lebanon, day 3, CABS

Mass killing of birds of prey in the Lebanon, day 3, CABS

Bird Guards film raptor massacre beyond all imagination in the Lebanon. After CABS teams documented and reported the slaughter of dozens of protected birds of prey to the Lebanese authorities last week they returned to the killing fields in Aghbeh to see if the situation has improved. The opposite was the case. On Sunday September…

CABS members and Lebanese partner organisation SPNL participated in a police training course

CABS members and Lebanese partner organisation SPNL training

In Aqoura (Lebanon), CABS members and the Lebanese partner organisation SPNL (Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon)  participated in a police training course. The police officers present will monitor the compliance with the new hunting law. Among other things, CABS – Committee Against Bird Slaughter – were able to show their video about Honey Buzzard…

Massacre Of Protected Birds In Lebanon filmed by CABS Sept 2017

INTERNATIONAL TEAM WITNESS MASSACRE OF PROTECTED BIRDS IN LEBANON 7 September 2017, Lebanon. Over the last two days the international team of ‘Bird Guards’ (1) from the Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) and Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) witnessed the shooting down of over 70 protected birds of prey and discovered…