Bird Guards film raptor massacre beyond all imagination in the Lebanon.
After CABS teams documented and reported the slaughter of dozens of protected birds of prey to the Lebanese authorities last week they returned to the killing fields in Aghbeh to see if the situation has improved. The opposite was the case. On Sunday September 10 – a day with a very strong Honey Buzzard migration – the participants of the Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) & Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) expedition to Lebanon found the remains of another 70 freshly killed Honey Buzzards. While they were filming the gruesome discovery poachers continued with shooting down protected birds with impunity.
For more info visit Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) website ( or send an Email to
The new video:
Birdwatchers shocked by mass killings of Honey Buzzards on Mount Lebanon. If the situation will not improve these beautiful creatures will soon be on the brink of extinction.
The first ever bird protection camp in the Lebanon has successfully been completed. We saw and filmed a lot of bad things but on the other side we were overwhelmed by all the kindness and warm hospitality we received by our Lebanese friends, hosts and partners. We would like to extend a special word of thanks to the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) without whose help and support we would never be able to conduct this joint operation. We are also particularly grateful to the Ghalboun Municipality and Bioland Lebanon for their generous support and hospitality. A very yery special thanks is due to Adonis Khatib, president of the Middle East Responsible Hunting Center, and all those pro-regulating Lebanese hunters who went with us in the field to document the massacre and speak to the irresponsible shooters. Particular thanks are also to the Lebanese Ministry of Environment and the Convention on Migratory Species (UNEP-CMS) for their extraordinary efforts and providing us with the necessary permits to work and film in the Lebanon. Lastly, and especially, we are grateful for the support of all Lebanese birdwatchers and conservationists who supported our work with information, logistics and moral support. Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)
We have welcomed President Aoun’s statement calling for a Peace Accord with birds and nature and we sincerely hope that legal hunters will respect the new law and all its details. We welcomed the visit early September from the Germany based Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS), who through the support of Mrs Claudine Aoun Roukoz and the proper authorities have made a start in solving this problem. We recognise that there are legitimate responsible and legal hunters following the law, who are undertaking a hobby they are proud of. These legal hunters can help solve this problem. Society for the Protection of Nature (SPNL)