
‘Cruelty’: People outraged as El Ghbaire municipality poisoned stray dogs

El Ghbaire municipality poisoned stray dogs - choose compassion

El Ghbaire Municipality poisoned the neighbourhood’s stray dogs in front of the embassy of Kuweit in Lebanon on Thursday 28 December 2017.

Footage began spreading on social media showing stray dogs which were reported as “poisoned” by the municipality workers in front of the embassy of Kuwait in Lebanon.

The stray dogs poisoning incident got a fierce reaction from the Lebanese social network users, with most of them being outraged at the El Ghbaire Municipality’s  actions and are shaming Maan Khalil who is responsible for the poisoning of the stray dogs.

The municipality fully admits to luring them with poisoned meat only to kill them.
This sickening level of abuse, torture, suffering and complete disregard for life and law is absolutely shocking.
They had not even died before they were thrown into the back of a municipal vehicle.

Warning: you may find these images disturbing.

Today we put this ugly crime in front of the Ministries of Interior and Municipalities, Health and Agriculture and the Veterinarians Association, to find a radical and comprehensive solution.

The solutions and procedures consists of several steps, the most important of which is the establishment of a system for adoption of these dogs that impose on their adopters a responsibility so as not to be thrown into this fate.

With these innocent lives, in addition to the establishment of shelters in all municipalities to house these dogs and complete sterilization as well as treatments and vaccines for diseases, especially rabies, and to prevent illegal trade and shops that meet the health conditions of the sale of these pets, Ministries and the Association of Veterinarians and Animal Welfare Associations to develop this integrated system and apply it fully on the ground.

Vegan and Animal Liberation activist. We have been conditioned by destructive belief systems. look at the world with new eyes.

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