Distinct Perspective
Distinct Perspective is a Lebanese documentary created by Souhail el Raii in hopes of igniting a new source of knowledge and information.
Distinct Perspective covers the on growing movement and its activities featuring Georges G.Hayek and Roland Azar (Animal rights activists and founders of Lebanese Vegans), Rida Zeineddine (Owner of a burger restaurant SANDCHES), Heloise (Manager at Luna’s Kitchen, the 100% Vegan restaurant), Joelle Kozah (dietitian), Nadine Hilal (Plant Based Dietitian) and Georges Achkar Salameh (One of the Lebanese Organizers of Anonymous for the Voiceless, a street activist organization dedicated to total animal liberation)
This Vegan documentary provides a true Distinct Perspective. The earth and all its beings need us now more than ever!
The http://choosecompassion.net website is one of the best we have found, and the
‘Distinct Perspective’ The Lebanese Vegan documentary
Launches On YouTube – article is very well written and useful!
I want to share with you a link that also helped me a lot in cooking:
Thanks and kisses! 🙂