While intersectionality enriches understanding, advocacy for animal rights may become diluted!
What is humanity's worst enemy, and how does it affect the animal liberation movement?
المرأة والحيوانات ليست للخدمة
من تضحية التقاليد إلى رحمة الحاضر: بناء مستقبل أفضل لعيد الأضحى
What’s Stopping You From Going Vegan Overcoming Common Barriers
Where we stand on animal rights reflects where we would have stood on slavery
Human Supremacy animal rights veganism animal liberation
هل حرية المعتقد تعطي الحق في فرضها على حياة الاخرين؟
hatred anger choose compassion

Lebanese President Michel Aoun speaks out for migratory birds

Lebanese President Michel Aoun speaks out for migratory birds

Lebanon’s President, Michel Aoun, has made a heartfelt pledge to prevent the annual slaughter of the thousands of migratory birds who fly over the small Middle Eastern state twice a year. The announcement came straight from the Lebanese President, Michel Aoun, last Saturday with a heartfelt appeal to put the country’s nature first: “It is…