Eid-Al-Adha, Why do we have to resort to violence to try to do something good?


This article is not about being hateful. I don’t have an issue with religion as long as people don’t use their religion as an excuse to treat others unjustly. I think it’s about time to realize there is no doubt that non-human animals also fall under that category of others. These are my views about…

“Pay Attention” . One of the ways our upbringing withholds our potential.

pay attention

How does one do it?! What is the bodily function responsible for such an action? Taking into consideration that the brain is also part of the body, how does one force their thoughts to only project on one single limited aspect of what is happening “out there”? How does one really “Pay attention”? These- and…

Here’s why it is not okay to eat animals

Choose compassion - it is not okay to eat animals

Believe it’s okay to eat animals? We are all born loving animals until we get slowly and discreetly yet steadily conditioned through an invisible destructive belief system which introduces animals as products, commodities and tools for entertainment. This unquestioned belief system distorts our perception of what is natural, normal and necessary. We argue that eating…

75% of earth population are lactose intolerant: Here’s why

75% of earth population are lactose intolerant

With over 75 percent of humans on the planet unable to properly process lactose (lactose intolerant), it is evidence enough that we are not doing what is natural and in accordance with our bodies. The reduction of lactase activity after infancy is a genetically programmed event. Lactase is necessary for the digestion of lactose, the main…