In a world where darkness is often mistaken for light, it’s crucial to reflect on the true nature of our actions. We live in a dark era, plagued by social malaise, fanaticism, and misguided humanity. Humans impose their beliefs—often illusions with no basis in reality—onto non-human animals. This results in the enslavement, exploitation, and murder of billions of animals, causing unnecessary suffering and harm to innocent sentient beings.
While everyone is complicit in their cravings and self-interests, animal rights activists make remarkable sacrifices. They rescue animals, speak up for them, and challenge the speciesist assumptions that uphold human supremacy. These liberationists advocate for a radical transformation in human-animal relations. Their message about animal rights boils down to one fundamental principle: the right not to be used and to be free.
Many people are brainwashed, usually by the particular institutional system they were brought up in, into thinking they are somehow superior to all other species. They believe the earth and all of “creation” were made solely for them to use, abuse, and kill. Often, these justifications allow them to claim it’s acceptable to exploit and kill non-human animals. By exploiting and killing other animals, humans are not exercising dominion but oppression. We hold dominion over animals only because of our powerful intellect, not because we are morally superior and have a right to exploit and kill. Oppression is the unjust and cruel treatment of a group by another group that has more power. It violates the basic moral of respect for all sentient beings, causing immense suffering and injustice.
While most people are complicit in their cravings, self-interests, and narrow pursuits of success, animal rights activists transcend these limitations. They ascend to a universal perspective, discovering our interconnection with others. Their hearts break open with respect, feeling, love, and compassion toward all sentient beings, driven by a mission to change the world.
Animal rights is about justice for all sentient beings and their right not to be exploited by humans. Animal Liberation activists sacrifice their time to speak up for animals. They are rational, logical, and responsible. They defy supremacy, superiority complexes, selfishness, ego, hypocrisy, and arrogance. They bring injustice to the fore and act on it. They know that animals raised for food or clothing, used as experimental objects in laboratories, and exploited in the entertainment industry want to live their lives in peace, just as we do. They defend their right to live free from human supremacy.
Following religious rituals or traditions doesn’t make one a good person. What truly defines a person’s character is their actions and how they treat others, including animals. Killing non-human animals, no matter how it is done, is evil. Breeding, exploiting, enslaving, and confining non-human animals is evil. Using animals for personal gain, regardless of claims of “treating them well,” is evil. Social conditioning has no boundaries, and the manipulation of evil is constant. Awakening yourself and reversing social conditioning happens only when you decide to “step out of the box,” defy superiority complexes, break the wall of manipulation, and reject the current murderous paradigm by choosing to live vegan. Those who revel in bravery and rebellion, always trying to cut off the strings of evil, are the Animal Rights Activists. They have higher values on physical, psychological, and social quality of life. They break the laws and expose the dark side of humanity. They save the innocent from the evil man and turn darkness into light.
To break free from social conditioning and stop forcing beliefs onto animals, we must redefine our relationship with non-human animals. By embracing a vegan lifestyle and speaking up for the oppressed, we can set them free from human supremacy and recognize their right to live free from exploitation. This promotes peace and justice for all sentient beings, and ensures we uphold the true values of justice, compassion, and respect.
I think at times we feel or are made to feel that we champion different causes. But for me, I see commonality. I think, whether we’re talking about gender inequality or racism or queer rights or indigenous rights or animal rights, we’re talking about the fight against injustice.
We’re talking about the fight against the belief that one nation, one people, one race, one gender, one species, has the right to dominate, use and control another with impunity.
– Joaquin Phoenix
Recommended Reads: Goodwill for Man and Cruelty to Animals: A Not-So-Merry Christmas – Choose Compassion