Animal Rights Activists In Lebanon Urged People to boycott Beirut Dolphin Show

Animals Lebanon, BETA – Beirut for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and animal rights activists urged people to boycott the dolphin show “Beirut Dolphinarium” organized by Cirque du Liban. Dolphinariums show us the image of a playing dolphin, gentle and quick to entertain us. But behind this façade hides a sad reality: Captive dolphins are controlled by their…

Lebanese President Michel Aoun speaks out for migratory birds

Lebanese President Michel Aoun speaks out for migratory birds

Lebanon’s President, Michel Aoun, has made a heartfelt pledge to prevent the annual slaughter of the thousands of migratory birds who fly over the small Middle Eastern state twice a year. The announcement came straight from the Lebanese President, Michel Aoun, last Saturday with a heartfelt appeal to put the country’s nature first: “It is…