Feed hatred and it will grow. Confront it and disassemble it and you will grow.

hatred anger choose compassion

When you feel like you have been seriously victimized and oppressed in a particular social system, your discontent and anger carries with it the potential seeds of hatred, pointing fingers towards certain group of people, devaluing and dismissing their views and beliefs. Although it does often do more bad than good, hate may in most…

Here’s Why Killing Animals Is Violent And Unjust, No Matter How It Is Done


Killing Animals, no matter how it is done, is Violent And Unjust, here’s why. Our society indoctrinates us from the time we are born into the paradigm of using animals as resources and commodities. Our society and our institutions consistently and persistently reinforce the idea of human supremacy; We are taught that exploiting and killing…

Anonymous for the Voiceless; نفضح ما هو مخفي على العامة من الممارسات المتعلقة باستغلال الحيوانات التي لا صوت لهم

Anonymous for the Voiceless أنونيموس لمن لا صوت لهم

Anonymous for the Voiceless أنونيموس لمن لا صوت لهم نحن حركة عالمية لحقوق الحيوان بدأت في أستراليا نيسان/أبريل 2016، نظمنا الاف المظاهرات على مستوى العالم وتمكنا خلالها من إقناع مئات الالاف من الاشخاص بأخذ النمط النباتي في الحياة بشكل جدي نحن مجموعة شبان وشابات لدينا شغف تحرير الحيوانات الضعيفة والتي لا صوت لها من الانسان…

Is It Worth Losing Friends Over Different Opinions About What Is Right For Lebanon?

choose compassion revolution

Each of us has our own biology, mind and unique history of experiences. It only makes sense that people may see things differently and form different conclusions about the Lebanon we want. Is it worth losing friends over different opinion or beliefs about what is right for our country? Here’s what I’ve come to learn…

Veganic Agriculture: The Cruelty-Free Alternative?

Veganic Agriculture: The Cruelty Free Alternative

Can we rely on conventional organic agriculture as an environmentaly sustainable solution? Can veganic agriculture be a cruelty free alternative? Agriculture went through drastic modifications over time, and in the last century, the massive implementation of chemical tools like fertilizers and pesticides helped in the short term to raise the amount of yield harvested but…

More than a hundred people attended the Vegan Outreach workshop by Seb Alex In Lebanon

Vegan outreach workshop - Seb Alex - lebanese vegans

For the very first time in Beirut, Lebanon, a Vegan outreach workshop was presented by Seb Alex on Friday August 16, 2019 at Hayek Hospital -Sin El Fil. This workshop is not an introduction to veganism. Most Participants have a firm grasp on general vegan knowledge (ethics, nutrition, environmental impact, etc.) and have some experience…

Easter Lamb, Veal & Eggs are measured in the lives of murdered babies

Easter babies

Is your family having lamb or veal for Easter this year? Are you painting eggs or doing an Easter egg matches with real eggs? If so, then you should know the truth about the babies that were murdered for your food and entertainment It is seen as a tradition to eat lamb or veal on Easter day,…

Christmas, The Season of Goodwill to People and Cruelty to Animals

Christmas, The Season of Goodwill to People and Cruelty to Animals

Christmas! The season of goodwill to each others. The season where we turn more villains to animals. Christmas is a special time of the year for many people around the world. Families get together to share food, gifts and happy times. It is supposed to be the festival of peace and yet it kind of…

Eid-Al-Adha, Why do we have to resort to violence to try to do something good?


This article is not about being hateful. I don’t have an issue with religion as long as people don’t use their religion as an excuse to treat others unjustly. I think it’s about time to realize there is no doubt that non-human animals also fall under that category of others. These are my views about…